Saturday, July 24, 2010

Reflections Of The Scholars

Dr. Chargois: I hope I can keep up with the action research projects that Dr. Chargois is conducting in his district. Both of them are very interesting and beneficial topics to any teacher and administrator. I inherited several pieces of advice from his video. Some of the advice was action research oriented and some was just good advice for any teacher but advice in which we all need to be continually reminded. He reminded us that we should never stop learning. Teachers of today have to be action research oriented. He said “If you are green, you are growing. If you are brown, you are dying.” I think I will ask the teachers in my department at our first meeting this summer if they are green or brown. It will be interesting to see how they answer. Today’s teachers have to produce results. They have to increase performance. It is all about accountability. We can all still feel good about touching a child but the question at the end of the school year is did that student improve?

Dr. Lewis: I learned from Dr. Lewis that I don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There is most likely research that already exists that applies to my action research project. I need to make sure that it comes from districts that are similar to mine. What he said about research needing to be practical makes so much sense. That is some of the same advice that Dr. Jenkins had already given us. It caused me to change my topic from week one to week two so that it applies more directly to me.

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